The Villa Eloisa PCC was created in the year 1953. It is located in the province of Santa Fe and belongs to AFA’s Lejano Oeste region.
It´s present in the following localities
Sub-Centers: Rufino (Sta Fe)
Local Advice Management participants:
Nardi, Rubén
Vice president:
Renzi, Jorge Alberto
Bacinello, Marcelo Gabriel
Regular Members of Board:
Giandana, Claudio Alberto
Poloni, Sandra Mariela
Antinori, Leandro David
Alternate Members of Board:
Petetta, Miguel Ángel
Bottarelli, Hernán Pablo
Casella, Daniel Hugo
Petetta, Norberto Ángel
Spoglia, Adrián Marcelo
Address: Libertad 499
Telephone: Oficina 03471-491053/483 | Planta 03471-491201/121
E-mail address: