The Montes de Oca PCC was created in the year 1979. It is located in the province of Santa Fe and belongs to AFA’s Región Lejano Oeste region.
It´s present in the following localities
Offices: Calchin (Cba) - Santiago Temple (Cba) - Bouquet (Sta. Fe) - Villa del Rosario (Cba) - Carrilobo (Cba)
Local Advice Management participants:
Ordazzo, Pablo Horacio
Vice president:
Ramello, Alejandro Federico
Beltramo, Lisandro Ramiro
Regular Members of Board:
Mancini, Andrea
Arbusti, Leonardo Jose
Lusso, Cesar
Rosso, Gustavo
Yachini, Heraldo
Pedro, Rosa Maria
Alternate Members of Board:
Castellaro, Cesar
Gurdulich, Javier
Ulla, Susana
Mogues, Omar
Druetta, Diego
Mogliani, Ester
Baravalle, Carlos
Bertola, Cristian
Filba, Daniel
Address: Sarmiento 138
Telephone: Oficina 03471-495096/170/464 | Planta 03471- 15676700
E-mail address: