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Montes de Oca Primary Cooperative Center - Created in 1979

The Montes de Oca PCC was created in the year 1979. It is located in the province of Santa Fe and belongs to AFA’s Región Lejano Oeste region.

It´s present in the following localities
Offices: Calchin (Cba) - Santiago Temple (Cba) - Bouquet (Sta. Fe) - Villa del Rosario (Cba) - Carrilobo (Cba)

Local Advice Management participants:
Ordazzo, Pablo Horacio

Vice president:
Ramello, Alejandro Federico

Beltramo, Lisandro Ramiro

Regular Members of Board:
Mancini, Andrea
Arbusti, Leonardo Jose
Lusso, Cesar
Rosso, Gustavo
Yachini, Heraldo
Pedro, Rosa Maria

Alternate Members of Board:
Castellaro, Cesar
Gurdulich, Javier
Ulla, Susana
Mogues, Omar
Druetta, Diego
Mogliani, Ester
Baravalle, Carlos
Bertola, Cristian
Filba, Daniel

Address: Sarmiento 138
Telephone: Oficina 03471-495096/170/464 | Planta 03471- 15676700
E-mail address:

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