The Las Rosas PCC was created in the year 1950. It is located in the province of Santa Fe and belongs to AFA’s Región Norte region.
It´s present in the following localities
Offices: Las Parejas (Sta. Fe) - Cintra (Cba)
Local Advice Management participants:
Paglietta, Carlos Miguel
Vice president:
Brioschi, Edgar
Orazi, Guillermo Domingo
Regular Members of Board:
Lavatelli, David
Motura, Gerardo
Mancini, Jorge Ruben
Alternate Members of Board:
Brodi, Pablo Anibal
Gentiletti, Leonardo Mario
Abatedaga, Gustavo Roque
Calcaterra, Hugo David
Barabucci, Graciela Gloria
Romano, Guillermo Daniel
Address: Sarmiento 822
Telephone: Oficina 03471-451540/664/452836 | Planta 03471-451048/453406
E-mail address: