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Firmat Primary Cooperative Center - Created in 1953

The Firmat PCC was created in the year 1953. It is located in the province of Santa Fe and belongs to AFA’s Región G6 region.

It´s present in the following localities
Sub-Centers: Godeken (Sta. Fe)
Offices: Labordeboy (Sta. Fe) - Justo Daract (San Luis) - Guatimozín (Córdoba)

Local Advice Management participants:
Muñoz, Oscar Jaime

Vice president:
Marinelli, Diego

Testasecca, Oscar

Regular Members of Board:
Menna, Cecilia
Rossi, Daniel Omar
Bullorini, Andrés Cristian

Alternate Members of Board:
Argumedo, Oscar Leonardo
Carafa, Francisco
Polidoro, Víctor
Menna, Adriana Esmeralda
Basilio, Enzo
Damari, Julio Nicolás

Address: Camino Público entre Ruta Provincial 14 y Firmat
Telephone: Oficina 03465-423025/424708/423783 | Planta 03465-423612/890/421758
E-mail address:

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