The Chovet PCC was created in the year 1984. It is located in the province of Santa Fe and belongs to AFA’s Región G6 region.
It´s present in the following localities
Sub-Centers: Gral. Villegas (Bs As)
Local Advice Management participants:
Camiscia, Mauricio
Vice president:
Cora, Alberto
Conzoli, Roberto Antonio
Regular Members of Board:
Baravalle, Alberto Francisco
Pellegrini, Ricardo Felipe
Ghibaudo, Alberto Jose
Alternate Members of Board:
Conzoli, Angel Omar
Altobelli, Miguel Alfredo
Camiscia, Antonio Remigio
Trevisi, Carlos Alberto
Carlucci, Manuel Angel
Gismondi, Norma Esther
Address: Estanislao López 464
Telephone: 03465-493275/3226/160
E-mail address: