The Cañada Rosquín PCC was created in the year 1972. It is located in the province of Santa Fe and belongs to AFA’s Región Norte region.
It´s present in the following localities
Sub-Centers: Pueblo Casas (Sta. Fe) - Charata (Chaco)
Offices: Las Varillas (Cba)
Representatives: La Para (Cba) - Ataliva (Cba)
Local Advice Management participants:
Cipollone, David Marcelo
Vice president:
Riberi, Gaston
Rond, Flava Guadalupe
Regular Members of Board:
Galetto, Roman
Ferrero, Marcelo
Foresto, Gabriel
Alternate Members of Board:
Meinero, Raul Juan
Heligon, Elisa
Forestto, Sergio
Bianchi, Pablo
Costabel, Rita Angela
Cugno, Diego
Address: Malvinas Argentinas 701
Telephone: Oficina 03401-470293/360/405 | Planta 03401-494029
E-mail address: