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Bigand Primary Cooperative Center - Created in 1953

The Bigand PCC was created in the year 1953. It is located in the province of Santa Fe and belongs to AFA’s Región G6 region.

It´s present in the following localities
Sub-Centers: Maizales (Sta. Fe) - Carmen del Sauze (Sta. Fe) - Sanford (Sta. Fe) - Villa Mugueta (Sta. Fe)
Offices: Chabas (Sta. Fe)- Alvarez (Sta. Fe)

Local Advice Management participants:

Dulcich, Guillermo Alberto

Vice president:
Giacone, Maximiliano Alberto

Acciarresi, Nelson Daniel

Regular Members of Board:
Girotti, Albino Ángel
Milanesi, Monica Alicia
Tenaglia, Omar D.
Gaminde, María Del Carmen
Amato, Sebastian A
Paulucci, Adrián Ludovico

Alternate Members of Board:
Romiti, Néstor Ariel
Cannavo, Leonardo Pablo
Bagaloni, Raúl
Prunello, Claudio Iván
Testa, Martin Pablo
Capaldi, Gabriel Gustavo
Tornich, Carlos Alberto
Tettamanti, Gustavo Daniel J.
Lenzi, Oscar Rodolfo

Address: Ruta Prov Nº 14 Km 62
Telephone: Oficina 03464-461284/900/058 | Planta 03464-460070
E-mail address:

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